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It Started With The Heart

Christophe Lafontant’s Inspirational Life

Heart Film Poster Christophe
It Started With The Heart
A Documentary

Since the age of six, Christophe Lafontant has experienced two heart transplants, a kidney transplant, respiratory failure, drug addiction, and depression, but he always manages to come out on top, feeling positive about life while sharing his story with the world.

Available on Demand Now!

Donate To the Feature Length Documentary

Christophe is working hard to put together the feature length version of his life story. If you or anyone you know would like to donate toward the production of the feature, there is a GoFundMe set up to handle the donations. Make sure to read the whole story and look at the donation tier levels in the description. Your donations can go toward merchandise and even a Thank You credit in the feature length documentary.

Christophe Lafontant was born healthy and had no childhood illnesses, but at age six he had a near death experience due to heart failure. A lifesaving pacemaker was implanted and he was diagnosed with a cardiomyopathy of uncertain etiology.

In his junior year of high school, he was faced with severe deterioration of his heart and received his first heart transplant in March of 2000. Despite complications after surgery and several readmissions, he graduated with honors and was admitted to Columbia University in 2001. In 2004, he faced rejection of his first donor heart and after eight months in the Intensive Care Unit, he received his second heart transplant.

In 2010, he developed generalized weakness, followed by respiratory failure with multiple intubations and ventilator support. After an extensive workup, he was diagnosed with a rare disease, Myofibrillar Myopathy, caused by a genetic mutation. He needed a tracheostomy and continued respiratory support and required several months of intensive rehabilitation and physical therapy.

To this day, Christophe continues his struggle with faith, optimism, and support of his loving family and a wide circle of friends. He self published his autobiography, 1 Man, 3 Hearts, 9 Lives in November of 2015 and is on a mission to spread awareness of Myofibrillar Myopathy.

Previous Film Festivals

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Christophe Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival

Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival

Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival

Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival

Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival

Christophe's Book

Christophe’s self-published autobiography 1 Man, 3 Hearts, 9 Lives A Story of Hope, Resilience, and Survival is available now.

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